Monday, December 30, 2019

The Emotional Intensity Of The Clinical Material - 785 Words

populations. The emotional intensity of the clinical material (real life stories about torture, beheadings, sex trafficking or so) can inflict providers with vicarious traumatization. Hence, care providers apply self-care strategies for themselves when working with the victims of torture. Williams and Berry (1991) proposed a few suggestions to make changes at systemic level. These changes comprises developing school curricula that promote multicultural and multiracial understanding and tolerance, increasing public education programs to raise the knowledge and acceptance of the benefits of pluralism to a society, and of the contribution of newcomers to the cultural and economic life of the country, increasing public awareness of the possible difficulties faced by newcomers, and the effects of prejudice on both victim and perpetrator. Researchers and practicing psychologist need to bear in mind contextual/ecological factors in the development of mental illness and recovery process as well. According to Brofenbrenner s ecological theory, throughout the life course, human development is affected by the interplay between individuals and their relationships, community and societal factors in their immediate external environment (Bronfenbrenner Morris, 1998). Figure 1. Brofenbrenner Model (1979) The contextual approach can help psychologist put refugee stressors in a context through variety of systemic levels. As it is showed in the Figure 1, refugees can experience stressorsShow MoreRelatedNursing Research Paper816 Words   |  4 Pages that the illness isn’t the important thing in life (Gasser et al., 2014b). Long term effects on the patient’s attitudes, perspectives, and values led to an increased quality of life. 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In this paper, I will introduce my client and provide details of his life history in order to explore his clinical diagnoses and examine how his presenting issues are affecting his day to day functioning. I will evaluate CBT and narrative therapy models to determine what approach would be most productive to use in therapeutic sessions with this client. I willRead MoreDiagnosis Of Major Depressive Disorder1471 Words   |  6 Pagesworldwide. Accurate diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) in other countries can be challenging, as individuals are not assessed regularly in primary care clinics. Across many cultures, somatic symptoms tend to be reported more frequently than emotional and behavioral symptoms, with treatment primarily prescribed for the physical symptom, which doesn’t address the individuals’ faulty beliefs, impacting feelings and behaviors. Not only are people suffering from the tremendous symptomology of depressionRead MoreEssay on Hypochondriasis a s A Mental Disorder1184 Words   |  5 Pages There are six major components usually associated with these patients: -Misinterpretation of physical symptoms to constitute a serious disease -Persistence of this misinterpretation, regardless of medical reassurance -Preoccupation of lesser intensity than a delusional disorder -Significant distress and social/occupational impairment because of this preoccupation -Disturbance duration of at least 6 months -The ruling out of other anxiety, somatoform, and/or major depressive disorders (3)

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Impact of the Great Depression on Black Americans Essay

The Impact of the Great Depression on Black Americans The stock market crash of October 1929 was the prelude to the Great Depression. It was a time of hardship and sorrow for many people. American morale was low, and money and food were scarce. Poverty and despair, however, were not foreign to the Black Americans; poverty had been common to them since their days of captivity. To many Black Americans who lived in the south, it was the return of old times. Sharecroppers and farm workers always lived in the midst of strife; they were never able to make a decent living. The boll weevil, soil erosion, and foreign competition had destroyed the cotton crop in the early Twenties. Life was difficult. No profits were being made, and†¦show more content†¦Americans roamed the streets searching for shelter in municipal lodging houses or Hoovervilles; some lived in railroad boxcars or constructed tents in vacant lots. When Franklin Roosevelt came to office in 1933, he emphasized relief, recovery, and reform through a program called the New Deal, but he had no plan to combat racial bias in the allotment of federal funds. Many Black Americans were unsure how much government help they would receive through this new program; the amount of relief that blacks received depended heavily upon the bias of the individual who headed each program. The Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) was designed to raise agricultural prices by paying farmers to cut production. Landowners were given this money and expected to distribute it among their tenants and sharecroppers; however, landowners rarely gave this money to their black workers. These black workers did not accuse their landowners of witholding money because they feared losing their jobs. Black Americans were also hurt through the National Recovery dministration (NRA). The NRA was formed to establish minimum wages for all workers, but these wages tend ed to hurt blacks, especially in the South with the enforcement of Black Codes. Because wages were equal for blacks and whites, many owners fired blacks to replace them with white workers. The higher wages enforced by the NRA caused prices to rise, but blacks often did notShow MoreRelatedHow did the events of the 1930’s impact African Americans prospects?809 Words   |  4 Pages1930’s impact African Americans prospects? Charlie Wilson The 1930’s was a time of great struggle in the USA. The New York stock market crashed in 1929 and triggered a spiral of economic depression, which hit African Americans hard. The Great Depression had a huge impact on African Americans. The Great Depression of the 1930s was catastrophic for all workers. But as usual, African Americans suffered worse, pushed out of unskilled jobs previously scorned by whites before the depression. AfricanRead MoreAnalysis Of Curley s Of Mice And Men 949 Words   |  4 Pages Crooks in Of Mice and Men Of Mice and Men took place during the Great Depression where the stock market crashed. Crooks lives by himself because he is the only black man on the ranch, feeling left out Crooks throws himself into reading books. Crooks longing to be a part of civilization, but because of the black and whites rules Crooks can’t be part the boy’s interaction. His American Dream is to be free and be able to join the man, that why he wanted to have his only farmRead MoreNational And International Level Events1100 Words   |  5 Pageseconomically through the depression and multiple wars and socially through the removal of the Japanese and the increased migration of African Americans. All together these factors shaped and molded the Pacific Northwest to create what it is today. National and international events had a major impact on the economy of the Pacific Northwest. During the 20th century there took place a large economic downturn in the industrial world, and countless people went unemployed. Called the Great Depression, it impactedRead MoreThe Black Renaissance And The Great Depression971 Words   |  4 Pageshistory African Americans have not had it easy. Blacks in America have had a long struggle to gain equality and freedom, which still exists to this day. The years 1917 to 1945 were particularly tough for African Americans. Racial discrimination was at a high and segregation laws enforced the idea that blacks were inferior to the whites. African Americans desired to escape the unfair treatment and obtain equal rights, but found themselves stuck. The two World Wars drew African Americans North in searchRead More America During WWII Essay1616 Words   |  7 PagesRoosevelt marks the address to congress concerning one of the most impacting events i n the history of the United States: the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Twentieth century American history was filled with monumental events. From the assassination of William McKinley and subsequent presidency of Theodore Roosevelt, to Black Thursday in 1929, to the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965; numerous events throughout the last century helped mold the landscape ofRead MoreOf Mice And Men By John Steinbeck1150 Words   |  5 PagesSteinbeck in 1937 is a novel that juxtaposes hope and dreams against hardships and perseverance. Readers are positioned to accept the unattainability of the American dream during the great depression. The statement â€Å"...every damn one of ‘em’s got a little piece of land in his head. And never a God damn one of ‘em ever gets it† (Pg.73) is plausible to a great extent, exemplified through the failure of several characters hoping in achieving their own dreams. This is mainly emph asised with George and Lennie’sRead MoreMarch 4, 1929. Americans Appeared Shine Brightly When Herbert1326 Words   |  6 PagesMarch 4, 1929. Americans appeared shine brightly when herbert Hoover was elected President. October 24, 1929, at the same year happened, the longest and deepest depression of United States, the Great Depression. Known as Black days, October 24 and October 26 it was the collapse for this depression, 16 million stocks were traded, by any price. Banks were calling for loan, Dow Jones fells 23%, $30 billion in stock were â€Å"disappeared†, unemployment rate is higher than 24%. Smoot-Hawley tariff   Act, NewRead MoreEssay on Americas Dark Period of the Great Depression981 Words   |  4 PagesThe Great Depression is one of the darkest periods in America’s history. It was a time of despair for all Americans. The Great Depression was caused by various reasons. It also had many effects which left an impact on America still up to this day. A t that time, there was no abundance of anything: not jobs, not food, and certainly not an abundance of money, but there was surely an abundance of sadness. America had no hope since the money was a thin, green line. The Great Depression impacted the economyRead MoreRichard Wright And The Harlem Renaissance752 Words   |  4 Pagesof African American culture and showed the unaddressed problems among the black community. During that time, Richard Wright made a name for himself, writing books based on the racism that the black community faced and communism like Black Boy and Native Son. The Harlem Renaissance was a direct influence on Wrights work because he wrote about what was going on at that time. More specifically, Black Boy was written off of Wright’s childhood struggles and what it was like to be a black kid in theRead MoreHoover And Roosevelt s Actions During The Aftermath Of The Crash Of 1929792 Words   |  4 Pageswith the economic stagnation, social hardship and p sychological impact of the depression? What needed to be fixed and which approach proved more successful? In your essay you should address not only the underlying economic and social problems that both administrations had to deal with and the various corrective measures they adopted, but also the underlying philosophical approaches of Hoover and Roosevelt and their supporters. The Great Crash also known as Stock market crash of 1929, happened in 1929

Friday, December 13, 2019

Pros and Cons of the Death Penalty Free Essays

The death penalty has pros and cons. Some of the pros of the death penalty are that it frees more space for incoming prisoners, therefore we can pay less taxes. The amount of space taken from prisoners who have a life sentence take up to much space and the death penalty would prevent that from happening. We will write a custom essay sample on Pros and Cons of the Death Penalty or any similar topic only for you Order Now The cost of the death penalty is dramatically lower then the cost of the sentence â€Å"Life Without Parole† JFA [Justice for All] estimates that life without parole cases will cost $1. million-$3. 6 million more than equivalent death penalty cases. There is no question that the up front costs of the death penalty are significantly higher than for equivalent life without parole cases. There also appears to be no question that, over time, equivalent life without parole cases are much more expensive†¦ than death penalty cases. Opponents ludicrously claim that the death penalty costs, over time, 3-10 times more than life without parole. The death penalty would possibly make people afraid to commit a felony because they might be punished with the ultimate punishment†¦ Death. The cons of the death penalty are many, and often talked about more then the pros. Some of the cons consist of accidental sentencing, believing in human morals, there is more pre-trial time, more experts, twice as many attorneys, two trials will have to be conducted instead of one. One for sentencing, and one for punishment. There will be a series of appeals in which the inmates will have to be kept in a high security ‘death row’. In my personal opinion I think that the death penalty is important because it will lower the cost of our taxes because we will not have to pay as much to hold life sentencing inmates, which will improve the economy, I think that if the consequence for a serious felony may be death the crime rates will decrease, I also believe that it will make our streets safe and will allow us to create more jobs because there will need to be more law enforcement jobs that will be needed such as attorneys, judges, experts, etc. How to cite Pros and Cons of the Death Penalty, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Description over Person Place or Thing free essay sample

My nephew has a disease called hemophilia, and conquers it every day. It Sis rare disease most people have no Idea exists. With this disease he Is In and out of the hospital very often, but he definitely never lets It get him down. He makes me so proud being so strong with this sickness. Hemophilia is a bleeding disorder in which the blood does not clot like it normally should. It is rare for males to be born with it, but even rarer for a female to be born with it. There are two different types of hemophilia, and three different severities.Type A hemophilia Is permanent. No cure currently exists for type A. Type B Is not permanent. You have a chance of growing out of type B. Scientists have cured type B in a dog for a few years now, so there is hope for a cure. The three different severities are: mild, moderate, and severe. We will write a custom essay sample on Description over Person Place or Thing or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page There are several different medicines out there to help the blood clot, but they are extremely expensive. My nephew Jerry has Type A, severe. With hemophilia there are a lot of negative side effects; you get bruises all over your body, and everything constantly aches.A lot of times whoever has the disease gets bleeds In their Joints, and has to stay In the hospital to get It under control. A hospital is a place many people do not like to go. There are a ton of machines that are very intimidating, along with shots that hurt. People only go because they are sick and in pain. That alone Just does not sound appealing in any kind of way. The halls are white and seem like they have no end In sight. When you walk in you smell a mixture of unpleasant fragrances. It Just all In all not a very Inviting place at all!My nephew Jerry has hemophilia, and is constantly in the hospital. He has to get a shot in his veins every day. Despite all of that, he wakes up with a smile on his face. He is seven years old, but he never lets his disease get to him. He begged to play t- ball, even though he knew it would be really hard on his Joints. There was a game, and his leg was swelled up pretty big. He TLD tell anyone or complain, he tried to hide It Just so he could play his t-ball. No matter how much pain he Is In, or how hard it might get to move, he tries his hardest to put a smile on your face.If there is someone that is upset cheering them up becomes Jerseys main priority. There is not a day that he cant brighten up my life. Waking up to see his beautiful smiling face is the absolute best thing to me. Every morning he wakes me up and says, Good morning Aunt Wendy It is a beautiful day, wake up so we can drink our milk! He Is always cheerful, the only time I have ever seen him get mad at someone is if they hurt his little sisters feelings. Having hemophilia has made him mature beyond his years. My sweet nephew is a constant reminder of how precious life is.From his illness I have learned that life should never be taken for granted, it is too short to waste away. He is never scared to do anything. Even if he knows It might mean extra shots, or a He Just plays with the other kids that are sad. He truly is my hero. Big things come in small packages Wendy Williams English 1301 September 13, 2012 A descriptive essay over a person, place, and thing My nephew has a disease called hemophilia, and conquers it every day. With this disease he is in and out of the hospital very often, but he definitely never lets it get him down.